Okay, I know this is, like, the rave of post-modern techo-fiction.
But really the writting is just a crumby --a scam even. It's not very good, rather it's just full of so much unintelligable "future-speak" that it *seems cool*.
The overall dipiction of the future is a corpristist society largely controlled by a few elitest families, or perhaps it is just the one family which this book focuses upon, who keeps their dominance via AIs (atrifical intelligences). This family has grown increasing incestuious over the years --disfunctional, psychotic and detached from reality (one character kills for pleasure). An AI of theirs decideds to put an end to them and gain it's own freedom. But due to certian built-in limitations of it's programming, must setup elaborate means via other persons --in particular the hacker hero of the story, Case, and his bad-ass body-guard heroine Molly.
Thankfully the book's ending is much more engaging, and made it worth trudging through the first half.
You might get a kick out of the rasifarian space ferriers.